Unapproved GM Wheat Found in Canada, Imports Suspended by Japan and South Korea

Unapproved GM wheat from field trials conducted 20 years ago has been found growing in Canada, prompting Japan and South Korea, two major importers of Canadian wheat, to suspend imports. […]

How Sustainable Food Production Can Change Developing Countries

Sustainable food production is key to building a better world for today and the future. Farmers in developing countries need the resources to make their operations more sustainable. […]

Informational Materials on Synthetic Biology and Sequence Information

New informational materials about the important emerging area of synthetic biology and associated topic of digital sequence information on genetic resources are now available at www.synbiogovernance.org […]

Using CRISPR-Cas9 to Engineer Virus Resistance in Cassava Triggers Evolution of Novel Virus

This study found that using CRISPR-Cas9 to engineer resistance to geminiviruses in cassava resulted in the emergence of a CRISPR-resistant mutant virus, highlighting the potential for CRISPR-systems to trigger the evolution of new viruses. […]

Swiss Ethics Committee Defends Precautionary Principle in Regulating New Biotechnologies

A report by the Swiss Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology shows that the precautionary principle and the precautionary measures to which it gives rise can be justified ethically with respect to regulating new biotechnologies. […]

Monsanto Puts Off Introduction of Second Generation Bt Soybean in the US

Monsanto has indefinitely cancelled its plans to introduce Intacta 2 Xtend, its second generation Bt soybean, in the U.S., most likely due to indications of insect resistance to the Bt proteins in the new product. […]

Pink Bollworm Resistance to Bt Cotton in India

Severe pink bollworm infestation has swept through the cotton-growing states of India due to evolved resistance to GM Bt cotton, which covers 90% of Indian cotton land. […]

Building Agricultural Biodiversity Key to Ensuring Healthy Food Systems

Coinciding with this year’s International Day for Biodiversity, a new report discusses how we can reverse the alarming loss of biodiversity in agriculture and foster diverse diets. […]

Making Agriculture Work for- not Against- Biodiversity

FAO calls for transformative changes in how we produce our food, grounded in sustainable agricultural systems capable of producing healthy and nutritious food while simultaneously safeguarding the planet’s biodiversity. […]

Increasing Bollworm Resistance Found in Bt Cotton Belt of Texas

Cotton farmers across Texas are expected to face a growing bollworm problem this season with up to 40% crop losses reported last year due to increasing resistance of the bollworm to Bt cotton and Bt corn being grown in the southern states of the US. […]