Organic Diets Can Rapidly Reduce Glyphosate Levels in the Body

This study demonstrates that diet is a primary source of glyphosate exposure and that shifting to an organic diet is a fast and effective way to reduce glyphosate levels in both adults and children. […]

Glyphosate-based Herbicides Cause Unintended Effects Even in Glyphosate-Tolerant Soy

Glyphosate-based herbicides can adversely affect the physiological processes of plants, even those genetically modified to be tolerant to them, and more so in GM stacked varieties. […]

Accelerated Transformation of Our Food Systems Needed Now

A new book describes major highlights and trends in our agri-food systems over the last decade. Fundamental transformation is urgently needed to withstand the enormous challenges, and agroecology is the emerging and integrating answer to new challenges. […]

Time to Abandon Failing Green Revolution

It is time for African governments to step back from the failing Green Revolution and chart a new food system that respects local cultures and communities by promoting low-cost, low-input ecological agriculture. […]

Genome Editing Found to Cause Numerous Genomic Irregularities

A new scientific paper reveals that genome editing can cause genomic irregularities in the resultant GMOs, even if genes are not inserted, or inserted only transiently. This underscores the need for a process-oriented risk assessment, which would also improve the risk assessment of first-generation GMOs. […]

Agroecology to Reconstruct a Post-Covid-19 Agriculture

Agroecology provides a path to reconstruct a post-COVID-19 agriculture, able to avoid future widespread disruptions of food supplies by territorializing food production and consumption, and providing means to cope with future challenges by exhibiting high levels of diversity and resilience while delivering yields and providing key ecosystem functions. […]

Inventor of Genome Editing Technique Caught in Biosafety Violations

Unapproved and unsupervised genetic engineering experiments were carried out in the United States over a period of two years, raising serious questions about the lack of biosafety oversight. […]

US rDNA Committee Disbanded, Exacerbating Poor Oversight of GE Research

This TWN Biosafety Briefing addresses the issue of oversight of GE research in the US, with recommendations for rectifying the numerous problems. […]

Unlocking the Potential for Agroecological Transition in West Africa

This new report from IPES-Food identifies four leverage points where sustained action could build on progress already made, overcome key obstacles, and accelerate the agroecological transition in West Africa. […]

Failings of the Green Revolution in Africa – It’s Time for Agroecology

An international study has documented the failure of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa to achieve its stated goals of doubling incomes and halving hunger by 2020, and therefore calls on Africa to change course and take up agroecology instead. […]