Canadian civil society groups are objecting to an application for approval of a GE corn tolerant to four herbicides: dicamba, 2,4-D, quizalofop, and glufosinate, while calling for a review of the environmental, health, agronomic and economic impacts of the use of such crops. […]
Contrary to claims that GM mosquito offspring would die before reaching adulthood, scientists have found evidence that the GM mosquitoes released by Oxitec have successfully interbred with natural mosquito populations in Brazil and are persisting in the environment. […]
This publication shares ‘beacons of hope’, stories from an extensive network of people and initiatives seeking to transform food systems to address critical global issues. Agroecology is found to be an essential element in such transformation. […]
New research published by US Food and Drug Administration scientists has discovered foreign DNA inadvertently introduced into the genomes of genome-edited animals, dealing a significant blow to the biotech industry’s claims that no regulation of such organisms is necessary. […]
Africa’s farmers, fisher people and pastoralists are already using agroecological methods to build resilience to climate extremes and feed the entire continent. What they require is a policy framework that supports their food sovereignty. […]
Entomologists across the South of the USA are reporting increased feeding and survival of the corn earworm/cotton bollworm in Bt corn and cotton fields expressing the Vip3A protein, once believed to be the final Bt stronghold against the pest. […]
A report by the FAO’s High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition highlights how agroecological innovative approaches can advance sustainable food systems that enhance food and nutrition security globally. […]
Products of synthetic biology, such as the “Impossible Burger”, may have health, environmental and socioeconomic impacts that need to be fully assessed for safety and sustainability. […]
U.S. agriculture needs to make a systemwide shift from industrial farming to agroecology to cut its carbon emissions, reduce its vulnerability to climate chaos and achieve economic justice. […]
Golden Rice can lose up to 84% of its beta carotene in six months, unless preserved in refrigerated conditions in vacuum packaging as paddy, questioning its ability to alleviate Vitamin A deficiency in poor countries. […]