Increasing Evidence of Detrimental Effects of Glyphosate-based Herbicides on Rats

Recent research found that exposure to glyphosate-based herbicides caused reproductive and developmental effects in rats, at ’safe’ dose levels. In other work, ‘generational toxicology’ of glyphosate was demonstrated; descendants of exposed rats developed prostate, kidney and ovarian diseases, obesity and birth abnormalities. […]

Oxitec’s failed GM mosquito releases worldwide – Forewarnings for Africa and the Target Malaria project

This briefing details the serious concerns arising from the releases of GM mosquitoes around the world, with forewarnings for proposed GM mosquito releases in Africa. […]

Regulation of Plants Developed by New Genetic Modification Techniques

Existing regulatory frameworks for GMOs cover new GM techniques (nGMs) to varying degrees. Whether nGM applications fall under biosafety frameworks is critical for the scope and the quality of risk assessment. An international public registry listing all biotechnology products commercially used in agriculture is needed for transparency of the regulatory status of individual nGM products. […]

A Sustainable, Equitable Future for Food Requires a Global Transformative Process

The SDG targets for food security and better nutrition for all can be met using more sustainable production systems, and more equitable distribution of food and income between and within countries. […]