Synthetic Biology, Genome Editing and Gene Drives

Over the past 25 years, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has established a system of global oversight for living (a.k.a. genetically) modified organisms (LMOs) based on the principles of precaution, fairness (equitable sharing of benefits) and prior informed consent. COP 14 and COP-MOP 9 will be key to upholding those principles and ensuring they are extended to the governance of next-generation genetic engineering technologies: i.e., synthetic biology, which increasingly encompasses genome editing and gene drive technologies. […]

Gates, Monsantos Water Efficient Maize for Africa Project Exposed as not, Climate Smart, but Corporate Smart

Shaping the Treaty on Business and Human Rights – Views from Asia and the Pacific

Shaping the […]

TWN Biopiracy Watch Briefing – The Patent Pillage of Andean Tomato Diversity

CBD Parties Urged to Regulate Synthetic Biology


Item 1
Regulate synthetic biology now: 194 countries 

SynBioWatch, 20 Oct 2014

Synthetic Biology Could Open a Whole New Can of Worms

Modest Progress in International Regime on GMOs

COP-MOP7: Little progress, conflict of interests & unabated unintentional transboundary movements

TWN Briefings for COP-MOP7 #2 – TWN submission related to decision BS-VI/16: Unintentional transboundary movements of LMOs (Article 17)

TWN Briefings for COP-MOP7 #3 – Socio-economic considerations related to LMOs: From the Convention on Biological Diversity to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety