UN Biodiversity Conference to Debate Synthetic Biology, Financial Resources Mobilization

The issue of synthetic biology, which cross cuts the Convention on Biological Diversity, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing, will be among the most hotly debated issue at the UN Biodiversity Conference meeting from 4-17 December in Cancún, Mexico. […]

4th Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

The 4th meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (COP-MOP 4) will be held in Bonn, Germany, from 12 to 16 May 2008.


5th meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Liability and Redress, Cartagena Protocol on Bioasfety

3rd Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

INVITATION TO BIOSAFETY SEMINAR, 12 MARCH 2006, CURITIBA, BRAZIL Map of venue: https://biosafety-info.net/file_dir/54317108440e9c0d57e53.doc The venue of the seminar, Museu Oscar Niemeyer is a very well-known building on Rua Marechal Her […]

Liability & Redress WG (1) and 2nd Meeting of the Parties of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

2nd Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Liability and Redress in the context of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

Background The issue of liability and redress for damage arising from GMOs under the Biosafety Protocol is on-going work. Article 27 of the Biosafety Protocol stipulates that the 1st Meeting of the Parties shall adopt a process to elaborate ” […]

Open-Ended Technical Expert Group on Identification Requirements of Living Modified Organisms Intended for Direct Use as Food or Feed, or for Processing, First Meeting


1st Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
