This book show how agroecology nurtures soil health, conserves biodiversity, and restores dignity to Africa’s small-scale food producers. […]
This book show how agroecology nurtures soil health, conserves biodiversity, and restores dignity to Africa’s small-scale food producers. […] Updated briefing note on Target 17 (biosafety) of the First Draft of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. […] This paper offers a series of considerations and recommendations to increase the quantity and quality of funding for agroecology. […] This paper proposes the outline of a comprehensive prospective approach to understand the susceptibility of an ecosystem to unintended and irreversible harm from gene drives. […] GM soybean exhibited complex metabolic disturbances under herbicide and drought stress conditions, suggesting a negative impact on plant composition, agronomic performance, and alterations in gene expression and regulation. […] This study highlights the need for plants developed using new genetic engineering techniques to undergo case-specific risk assessment, taking both the properties of the end product and risks posed by the applied procedures into account. […] This publication warns about the erosion of the general consensus that laboratory modifications of self-spreading viruses are genetically too unstable to be used safely and predictably outside contained facilities, opening the door to risky research. […] The German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation has concluded that plants derived from new genomic techniques have a similar or even greater risk potential than plants obtained from older genetic engineering techniques. […] This new report shows how genome editing will only entrench the destructive patterns of industrial agriculture, making it a false solution to the climate crisis, and why agroecology is the more sustainable solution for agriculture. […] A study using CRISPR/Cas on zebrafish is the first to detect large unintended structural changes at off-target sites. […] |
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