US FDA scientists report that the gene editing process to produce hornless cattle resulted in unintended alterations at a genome-edited target site, and say this is a reason why regulatory oversight of intentional genomic alterations in animals is needed. […]
A new peer reviewed paper addresses specific environmental risks associated with GE plants that can spread and propagate in the environment, leading to next generation effects that could increase risks to biodiversity. […]
A study has found that CRISPR-Cas9 edits intended to knock out the function of a gene fail to do so. Functional proteins are still produced from the damaged genes, which can result in the production of gene-edited plants that are toxic or allergenic. […]
Results of recent field trials of non-GMO corn seed and published research show that non-GMO seed varieties can perform as well as or even better than GM seed. […]
Current standards of risk assessment in the EU and Switzerland are deemed insufficient to determine the safety of GMOs. Instead, the precautionary principle needs to be applied far more consistently and comprehensively. […]
The European Parliament has passed a resolution calling on the European Commission and Member States to call for a global moratorium on gene drive releases into nature, including field trials. […]
A new study confirms that glyphosate and Roundup at regulatory permitted and presumed safe doses inhibit the shikimic acid pathway in gut bacteria of rats, and also cause liver and kidney damage. […]
There are far higher concentrations of glyphosate from commercial GM glyphosate-tolerant soybeans in the global food chain, compared to glyphosate-tolerant soybeans from field trials used for safety assessments. […]
Current EU risk assessment practice for food and feed derived from herbicide-tolerant GE plants needs substantial improvement, otherwise health risks will be underestimated. […]
A new complex technique called ‘prime editing’ is touted to be far more precise than the CRISPR gene-editing tool, but in all likelihood, the same undesirable off-target and on-target effects will occur. […]