Agroecological Farms Generate More Income and Employment than Conventional Farms

Agroecological farms, as demonstrated by empirical evidence from Europe, can offer more sustainable production of healthier food, and re-enlarge productive agricultural (and related) employment, increasing the total income generated by the agricultural sector. […]

Antibiotic-resistant Genes in GM Crops Persist in Wastewater 

Antibiotic-resistant genes that have been inserted into GM crops, which are then consumed as food, are more persistent than previously thought; they are able to withstand wastewater treatment and are taken up by bacteria in the sludge. […]

Serious Threats Posed by Gene Drives for Conservation

Gene drives proposed for conservation purposes pose serious threats because their implementation could have far-reaching unintended consequences and could trigger irremediable modification of the natural environment. […]

Legal and Regulatory Issues Relevant to Gene Drive Organisms

There is an urgent need for effective international and legally binding regulation of gene drive organisms (GDOs). […]

Key Elements in a Legal and Regulatory Framework for Gene Drive Organisms

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Gene Drives: A Summary of Legal and Regulatory Issues

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A Just Transition to Agroecology Essential to Effective Climate Action

Governments need to tackle agricultural emissions head on by redirecting public funds away from ‘Big Ag’, strengthening regulations and transitioning farming to agroecology. […]

Transferring the Laboratory to the Wild: An Emerging Era of Environmental Genetic Engineering

New GE techniques such as genome editing and new delivery techniques have facilitated an emerging trend to genetically engineer organisms in the wild, essentially converting the environment into the laboratory. […]

Key Elements in a Legal and Regulatory Framework for Gene Drive Organisms

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Gene Drives: A Summary of Legal and Regulatory Issues

Biosafety briefing_ gene drives summary