GM microorganisms: a new global environmental disaster in the making?

This report highlights the risks of GM microbes, particularly their their high capacity for uncontrolled spread, transfer of genetic material, and rapid evolutionary changes. […]

Getting Ahead of Challenges in the Risk Assessment and Management of GM Viruses

The horizon scan of GM virus applications in this study indicates that a number of significant challenges remain in the risk assessment and risk management of GM virus applications. […]

GE Soil Microbes New Target for Agrichemical Companies

This report explains the potential risks of genetically engineered soil microbes and provides policy recommendations for their oversight as they move from the lab to the field. […]

GM Fall Armyworm to the Rescue of GM Corn?

Since 2021, GM fall armyworm larvae have been released in field trials, in Bt corn fields in Brazil. This strategy attempts to overcome the development of insect resistance to Bt toxins. […]

The Financialisation of Malaria in Africa: Burkina Faso, rogue capital & GM /gene drive mosquitoes

This paper shows how malaria, along with other diseases, is increasingly financialised – financial markets, institutions, actors and motives play a pivotal role in disease response, including in the case of GM/gene drive mosquitoes. […]

Genetic Breakdown of Molecular Mechanism Underpinning GM ‘sterile’ Insect Techniques

Research reveals chink in the molecular armour of genetic switches, where ‘sterile’ GM insects revert back to being fertile, resulting in resistant GM populations persisting in the environment. […]

Experiments Using GM Fungus to Kill Mosquitoes in Burkina Faso Fail to Meet Biosafety Requirements

A three-year experiment to test the use of GM fungus to kill malaria-carrying mosquitoes in Burkina Faso raises troubling legal, biosafety, ethical, political and human rights concerns. […]

Reviewing the GM Mosquito Trials in Burkina Faso Against the Bioeconomy of Science and Public Trust

Crucial questions remain regarding the engagement of Burkina Faso — and Africa — with GM mosquito trials. These need to be addressed in relation to the underlying bioeconomy of science, public engagement and trust in biomedical innovations. […]

GM Mosquitoes Interbreed with Wild Populations in Brazil

Contrary to claims that GM mosquito offspring would die before reaching adulthood, scientists have found evidence that the GM mosquitoes released by Oxitec have successfully interbred with natural mosquito populations in Brazil and are persisting in the environment. […]

Civil Society Denounces the Release of GM mosquitoes in Burkina Faso

Civil society organisations from Africa and around the world have strongly criticised the release of GM “male-sterile” mosquitoes in Burkina Faso. They say that the experiment is unethical and unjustifiable as the risks outweigh the benefits. […]