The Norwegian Gene Technology Act and Socio-Economic Considerations

Factsheet produced by the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management on the Norwegian Gene Technology Act as it relates to socio-economic considerations. […]

Bolivian Position on Socio-Economic Considerations

The Bolivian position on socio-economic considerations in the context of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety provides a summary of socio-economic concerns related to GMOs and highlights the knowledge gaps and capacity building needs. […]

Threats to the Food Security and Food Sovereignty in the Eastern Cape – Impact of GMOs and Cash Crops

Impacts of the Massive Food Production Programme, GMOs and cash crops in four villages in the Amathole District Municipality. […]

Assessing Socio-Economic Impacts of GMOs

This report attempts to explicitly and systematically assess socioeconomic impacts of GMOs beyond the health and environmental risks. […]

Summary Findings of IAASTD on GMOs

A synthesis of the findings from the IAASTD as they relate to GMOs. […]

Socio-Economic Impacts of GMOs in Spain

This document analyses the socio-economic impacts of GM cultivation in Spain. […]

Schadensbericht Gentechnik

Report finds that GE crops do not bring any macro-economic benefits while incurring high costs and pose risks. […]

Land of the GM-free?

Is America starting to turn against GM food? […]

Potential Socio-Economic, Cultural and Ethical Impacts of GMOs

This paper identifies some of the potential socio-economic impacts of GMOs and calls for the use of socio-economic impact assessment as a tool to guide decision-making. […]

Tarnishing Silver Bullets: Bt Technology Adoption, Bounded Rationality and the Outbreak of Secondary Pest Infestations in China

This report found that the profits Chinese Bt cotton growers enjoyed by saving on pesticides have now been eroded with the unexpected emergence of secondary pests which resulted in the increased use of pesticides to control them. […]