Review of 750 Studies Spotlights Hazards and Uncertainties of GM Crops

This bibliographic review of 750 scientific publications focuses on the hazards and uncertainties of GM crops, highlighting that there is no consensus in the scientific community about genetic engineering and its impacts. […]

Promoter Used In GM Crops Works In Salmon Over Time

A new study has confirmed for the first time in a vertebrate that the S35 CaMV promoter, used in most GM crops, is able to drive expression of a transgene for at least 1.5 years in salmon. […]

Escape of genetically engineered organisms and unintentional transboundary movements: Overview of recent and upcoming cases and the new risks from SynBio organisms

This report gives an overview of cases of uncontrolled spread and/or gene flow from genetically engineered organisms that can enable them to become established, persist and propagate in the environment, independently of their intended usage. […]

Inadequate Scientific Evidence to Declare GM Herbicide Tolerant Crops Safe or Sustainable

Item 1

The Case of IntactaTM Roundup ReadyTM 2 Pro Soybean Farming in Brazil in light of the Norwegian Gene Technology Act< [...]

Study Links Widely Used Pesticides to Antibiotic Resistance

News articles on the issue of antibiotic resistance and the links to commercial formulations of the herbicides glyphosate, 2,4-D and dicamba. […]

Exposure to Herbicides can Cause Change in Bacterial Response to Antibiotics

This study demonstrates that sub-lethal exposure to the herbicides dicamba, 2,4-D and glyphosate can cause bacteria to change their response to antibiotics. […]

No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety

A broad community of independent scientific researchers and scholars challenges recent claims of a consensus over the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). […]

Scientific Analysis Debunks GM Industry Myths

A scientific analysis examines and debunks widely-held myths about GMOs, questioning their safety and concluding that they are not necessary to feed the world. […]

Research Shows Molecular Differences Between GM and Conventional Maize

A paper published in the journal Proteome Science field, has shown molecular differences between genetically modified MON810 maize hybrids and their non-GM counterparts. […]

Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Biotechnologies: Sustainable Innovation and Regulatory Needs

The proceedings of the GenØk-TWN International Conference on Modern Biotechnologies: Sustainable Innovation and Regulatory Needs (Penang, 7-10 November 2012) examines the key issues and main recommendations put forward. […]