The Kenya Court of Appeal has blocked the Kenyan government from importing genetically modified organisms into the country […]
The Kenya Court of Appeal has blocked the Kenyan government from importing genetically modified organisms into the country […] New scientific analyses underpin Mexico’s restrictions on GM corn and glyphosate due to health risksScientific analysis prepared by Mexico’s national agency for science and technology provides evidence for its restriction on the use of GM corn in tortillas and other minimally processed corn products, and phase out of the use of glyphosate. […] This article dispels four fictions that proponents of the deregulation of new GMOs use to forward their argument, and stresses that doing so will not increase benefit or safety. […] Mexico’s final rebuttal in its trade dispute with the US demonstrates that its GM corn restrictions are legal, do not significantly impact US corn exporters, and are fully justified by the evidence of risks to human health and the environment. […] Mexico has presented hundreds of academic studies that show cause for concern about human health and the threat to native corn diversity, in defense of its restrictions on GM corn from the US. […] The French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) calls for new GM plants to be assessed for health and environmental risks on a case-by-case basis before being placing on the market. […] A US federal court recently rescinded the U.S. EPA 2020 approval of the highly volatile herbicide dicamba for use on certain GM crops. […] The precautionary principle must remain central in a science-based regulation in line with the existing EU laws as the prerequisite for the use of plants obtained by certain new genetic techniques. […] Transgene contamination of local seed systems and farmers’ fields in South Africa is common, but under-reported and can negatively impact agrobiodiversity, food security, farming practices, and traditional seed saving and exchange systems. […] This study shows that the path of the proposal to deregulate plants made with new genomic techniques n the EU carries health and environmental risks. […] |
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