The challenge for countries, especially developing countries and countries with economies in transition, is the formulation of national policies and regulatory frameworks to ensure biosafety. The holistic approach to biosafety encompasses scientific, ecological, health, social, economic, cultural and ethical dimensions in the context of the precautionary principle. It also requires a long term perspective in assessing technology and its products.
A comprehensive biosafety policy will need to be accompanied by and integrated with policies in other related fields such as agriculture, science and technology, industrial development, health, biodiversity and environmental protection. An important element would be options for non-gene technology approaches to achieving a stated objective such as increased agricultural productivity, pest and disease management or environmental remediation. For developing countries with limited resources and/or alternative knowledge and practices in farming and health systems, this approach can be both cost-effective and ensures the further strengthening of national capacities and sovereignty over food, nutrition and health. A regulatory framework includes a national law, subsidiary regulations, administrative measures and implementation/enforcement mechanisms. Underlying this is the generation and flow of information and knowledge on biosafety that can be part of the public domain to ensure public participation and ever-deepening understanding and implementation of biosafety.
This section provides some information on the experiences of countries and regions.

U.S. Review of GE Crops Calls for Greater Public Accountability

A U.S. review of GM crops has found the need for greater public accountability regarding health and safety aspects. […]

Why the Philippine Supreme Court Ruled Against Bt Eggplant

In 2015, the Philippine Supreme Court permanently stopped the field testing of Bt eggplant in the country, citing inadequacies in the risk assessment and public consultation processes and invoking the Precautionary Principle. […]

GE Alfalfa Found Growing Wild in West USA

A USDA study confirms that GE alfalfa has dispersed beyond cultivated fields in alfalfa-growing parts of western USA, calling into question its “coexistence” policy between GE and non-GE crops. […]

Philippine Supreme Court Orders Permanent Ban on Bt Brinjal Field Trials

The Philippine Supreme Court has upheld a decision in permanently stopping field trials for genetically modified Bt talong (Bt brinjal) in the country, citing a lack of scientific consensus on the safety of the food crop. […]

Are GM Crops and Foods Well Regulated

Canada has approved the commercialisation of GMOs for 20 years now. This report examines and critiques Canada’s biosafety regulatory system. […]

Majority of EU Member States Opt Out of GM Crop Cultivation

The majority of the 28 member states in the European Union have opted-out of GM crop cultivation. […]

Systems Biology Study Finds GMOs not “substantially equivalent”

A novel systems biology study shows that GM soy is not “substantially equivalent” to conventional soy, and that the US FDA’s regulatory standard of “substantial equivalence” to assess the safety of GM foods is “outdated and unscientific”. […]

GM and Seed Industry Eye West Africa’s Lucrative Cowpea Seed Market

This new report argues that the GM cowpea push in Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Ghana coincides with a strong interest from multinational and local seed companies to produce foundation and certified seed in West Africa. […]

Setting the Record Straight on Tanzania’s Biosafety Laws

Tanzania has recently amended its Biosafety Regulations. This statement from the Tanzania Alliance for Biodiversity clarifies that strict liability still applies to all activity involving GMOs, with an exception for researchers and research activities. […]

Malawi Civil Society Coalition Opposes Field Trials of GM Cowpea

An alliance of 19 CSOs and a GMO-resistance movement have lodged a substantive submission to the Malawi authorities, opposing the Confined Field Trial permit application for GM pod borer-resistant Cowpea varieties. […]