The application of three herbicides widely used with GM crops—glyphosate, glufosinate, and dicamba—has been found to increase the prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements in soil microbiomes, potentially contributing to the global antimicrobial resistance problem in agricultural environments. […]
A literature review assessed glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup against sustainable agriculture goals and concluded that they do not reach the bar of agricultural sustainability. […]
Monsanto data from 1990 reveal that Bt toxins expressed in GE plants can be up to 20 times more toxic than natural Bt toxins but this has thus far been ignored in risk assessments. […]
A study found that Roundup caused embryonic development failure, significant DNA damage, and interference with metabolism and gut function of Daphnia, demonstrating the risk of harm to wildlife through prolonged exposure, even at low doses. […]
An investigation finds that Monsanto and BASF knew their dicamba weed killers used with GE dicamba-tolerant crops would cause large-scale damage to fields across the US but pushed them on unsuspecting farmers anyway, in a bid to corner the soybean and cotton markets. […]
In an effort to stave off above-ground insect resistance, the US EPA has proposed phasing out many current Bt corn hybrids, as well as some Bt cotton varieties, in the next three to five years. […]
Glyphosate-based herbicides can adversely affect the physiological processes of plants, even those genetically modified to be tolerant to them, and more so in GM stacked varieties. […]
The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has overturned the Environmental Protection Agency’s approval of the herbicide dicamba, increasingly used in conjunction with GM crops, saying the agency failed to properly assess the risks of its widespread use. […]
A study examined whether commercial farmers would plant Golden Rice in the Philippines and found that they were unlikely to, unless offered specific inducements to do so. […]
There are several reasons why Golden Rice is not the answer to Vitamin A deficiency. […]