While Bt cotton cultivation may have educed the quantity of highly toxic pesticides used in India, the continued use of pesticides on Bt cotton farms still poses significant health risks to farm workers. […]
While Bt cotton cultivation may have educed the quantity of highly toxic pesticides used in India, the continued use of pesticides on Bt cotton farms still poses significant health risks to farm workers. […] A new study has found field-evolved resistance in a major corn pest to multiple Bt toxins in the U.S, showing up the failings of Bt crops. […] Six US entomologists have written an open letter to seed companies asking them to change their marketing claims and label language to reflect the widespread failure of Cry1F (Herculex I) trait in controlling the western bean cutworm. […] A recent review finds that there are significant knowledge gaps on the fate of Bt crops and their potential effects on aquatic systems and identifies several important issues for further research. […] The re-emergence of the corn rootworm due to pesticide resistance reflects a broken cycle of pests and pesticides, and a broken agricultural system. […] An article discusses the reasons for the failure of Bt cotton in Burkina Faso and the implications for GE crop uptake by other African nations. […] New research has found broad-spectrum resistance to Bt toxins in the western corn rootworm pest in the US, raising concerns about the long-term durability of Bt crops for the management of insect pests. […] A growing body of academic research shows that the practice of “refuge-in-a-bag” may actually increase the risk of Bt resistance in above-ground insect pests. […] Bt toxins conferring insect resistance in GM plants can have adverse effects on non-target organisms in an aquatic ecosystem, whether singly on in combination with other Bt toxins, highlighting the importance of assessing combinatorial effects. […] The fall armyworm has developed resistance to two Bt maize strains in Brazil. So-called solutions such as stacked-trait Bt crops and gene-silencing are however unlikely to provide a lasting solution to pest resistance. […] |
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