Fact sheets on GMOs

Fact sheets on the EU authorisation process, GMOs, the environmental, health and socio-economic impacts of GMOs […]

New Book: GMOs in Africa

The book provides an overview of the current status (2007) of the use of genetic engineering in Africa’s agriculture and food systems. […]

The Global Status of Genetically Engineered Crops: 10 years of continuing rejection

A summary of global reaction against genetic engineering in 2006 provides evidence that resistance to GE crops continues to grow among farmers, consumers and governments. […]

The GM Tracker

Developed by GRAIN, this new tracking tool is set up to monitor the developments of GM crops both in the laboratory and in the field in Asia and the Pacific. […]

Register of GM Contamination

First on-line worldwide register of GM contamination incidents. […]

Africa – the new frontier for the GE industry

As a result of difficulties in penetrating the European market because of growing consumer awareness and rejection, biotech corporations and the governments that back them have turned to the developing world, particularly Africa. […]