Promoter Used In GM Crops Works In Salmon Over Time

A new study has confirmed for the first time in a vertebrate that the S35 CaMV promoter, used in most GM crops, is able to drive expression of a transgene for at least 1.5 years in salmon. […]

Dangerous Proposal for “Gain of Function” Modification of Smallpox Virus Must Never be Approved

Dangerous proposal for “gain of function” modification of smallpox virus must never be approved. […]

IARC’s Classification of Glyphosate as “Probably Carcinogenic to Humans” Scientifically Robust

The WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer reiterates that there was enough evidence to classify glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans”. […]

New Crop Technologies for Africa Not Scale-Neutral

This paper describes how the corporate shaping of crop technology R&D has significantly shifted the technological trajectory away from smallholders’ needs and interests. […]

Assessing Sustainability of GM Crops and Socioeconomic Considerations

A study using stakeholder consultations on the sustainability of cultivating GM potato in Norway provides important findings for the development of frameworks and guidelines for assessing the sustainability and socio-economic considerations of GM crops. […]

The Sustainability of Agroecology versus the Unsustainability of Industrial Farming

A review of literature on industrial methods of farming versus agroecological farming models finds that the former fail to meet sustainability criteria while the latter offer sound social, scientific and rural development solutions. […]

Synthetic Biology Debate Ahead of Biodiversity Treaty’s Top Meeting

Synthetic biology, a controversial and fast-advancing technology, will be one of the key topics at the meeting of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) that will meet in December in Cancun, Mexico. […]

Promising Trend Towards Sustainable Agriculture in China

As China struggles to feed a burgeoning population amid a host of agricultural challenges, a growing trend of multiple pathways of sustainable agriculture provide promising solutions. […]

Bt Toxins Can Harm Non-target Organisms, With Stronger Combinatorial Effects

Bt toxins conferring insect resistance in GM plants can have adverse effects on non-target organisms in an aquatic ecosystem, whether singly on in combination with other Bt toxins, highlighting the importance of assessing combinatorial effects. […]

Building Agricultural Resilience Through Evolutionary Plant Breeding

This article explains how evolutionary (participatory) plant breeding is a suitable method to generate, directly in farmers’ hands, climate-resilient seed varieties that can feed current and future populations. […]