Statement of Concern on the World’s No.1 Herbicide, Glyphosate

Scientists have published a Statement of Concern on glyphosate, calling for urgent epidemiological studies, biomonitoring and toxicology studies with a focus on endocrine disruption, carcinogenicity and multigenerational effects. […]

Glyphosate is the World’s Most Used Herbicide in History

A new study confirms that glyphosate is the world’s most widely used herbicide in history, largely driven by the expansion of GE herbicide-tolerant crops. Quantifying the ecological and health impacts of this widespread use is thus increasingly urgent. […]

Escape of genetically engineered organisms and unintentional transboundary movements: Overview of recent and upcoming cases and the new risks from SynBio organisms

This report gives an overview of cases of uncontrolled spread and/or gene flow from genetically engineered organisms that can enable them to become established, persist and propagate in the environment, independently of their intended usage. […]

Joint-checklist and Summary of Tools and Resources on Access to Information, Public Awareness, Education and Public Participation

The secretariats of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the Aarhus Convention have jointly developed two documents relevant to access to information, public awareness, education and public participation in the context of GMOs. […]

Integrating Socio-Economic Considerations into Biosafety Regulations

An analysis of socio-economic considerations in biosafety regulations in 34 countries reveals the significant challenges, opportunities and needs involved in ensuring an effective, holistic and democratic integration. […]

Organic Delivers More Benefits Than Conventional Agriculture

A review of 40 years of research compares organic and conventional agriculture against four sustainability goals, finding that organic farming produces sufficient yields, is profitable for farmers, protects the environment, and is safer for farm workers. […]

GE Alfalfa Found Growing Wild in West USA

A USDA study confirms that GE alfalfa has dispersed beyond cultivated fields in alfalfa-growing parts of western USA, calling into question its “coexistence” policy between GE and non-GE crops. […]

GM Cotton’s Future in Africa on Shaky Ground

Burkina Faso has begun a phase out of GM cotton due to its poor quality. This paper discusses the likely implications for the future of GM cotton specifically, and GM crops generally, in the African continent. […]

Fall Armyworm Resistance to Bt Maize in Brazil, but Sustainable Solutions Elusive

The fall armyworm has developed resistance to two Bt maize strains in Brazil. So-called solutions such as stacked-trait Bt crops and gene-silencing are however unlikely to provide a lasting solution to pest resistance. […]

Gene-Editing: In Urgent Need of Regulation

The EU is considering the exclusion of gene-edited plants and animals from GMO (genetically modified organism) regulations. Two scientists explore this in an article in The Ecologist (Item 1). […]