Gene-Editing: In Urgent Need of Regulation

The EU is considering the exclusion of gene-edited plants and animals from GMO (genetically modified organism) regulations. Two scientists explore this in an article in The Ecologist (Item 1). […]

Synthetic Biopiracy – Inovio’s Deceptive Influenza Patent Claim

US biotech firm Inovio Pharmaceuticals and its partner the University of Pennsylvania (“Penn”) have laid patent claim to a key vaccine-making piece of H7N9 influenza virus, an emerging kind of influenza that is thought to be deadly in about 20% of cases, and which is considered to be a pandemic threat. […]

Biosafety and Knowledge Gaps of New Plant Breeding Technologies Necessitate Further Research

Course Announcement: Capacity Building Course Southern Africa Region, 20-26 September 2015, Potchefstroom, South Africa

Study Links Widely Used Pesticides to Antibiotic Resistance

Item 1



Exposure to Herbicides can Cause Change in Bacterial Response to Antibiotics

Item 1

Sublethal Exposure to Commercial Formulations of the Herbicides Dicamba, 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid, and Glyphosate Cause Changes in Antibiotic Susceptibility in

Environmental Scientists Find Antibiotics, Bacteria, Resistance Genes in Feedlot Dust

Environmental Scientists Find Antibiotics, Bacteria, Resistance Genes in Feedlot Dust

February 11th, 2015 | Category: Biosafety Science

Biosafety Considerations for New Plant Breeding Techniques

Item 1


Michael Ecker […]

No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety

Genome Editing Requires Scientific Caution and Regulation


December 3rd, 2014 | Category: Biosafety Science