Monitoring of GMOs Released into the Environment

GMO monitoring aims at detecting the occurrence of changes that could lead to adverse effects. This report proposes a framework for monitoring that includes case-specific monitoring and general surveillance. […]

Monitoring of GMOs Released into the Environment

Biosafety Report 2013/02

GenØk – Centre for Biosafety,
December 2013

Monitoring of GMOs released into the Norwegian environment: A case study with herbici […]

Changing Course to Feed the World in 2050

There are clear indications that the only way to feed the world sustainably by 2050 is to change course from the current destructive industrial model of agriculture to small-scale farming using sustainable practices. […]

Fall Armyworm Shows High Resistance to Bt Maize in the U.S.

A new study has produced compelling evidence of resistance of fall armyworm in southeastern U.S. to maize genetically modified to kill them, posing a serious threat to the long-term sustainability of the technology. […]

Fall Armyworm Shows High Resistance to Bt Maize in the U.S.


Item 1 

Cry1F Resistance in Fall Armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda< [...]

GM Contamination Register Logs 396 Incidents over 17 Years




GM Contamination Register Logs 396 Incidents over 17 Years

An analysis report on 17 years of data recorded in the GM Contamination Register concludes that GM contamination can occur independently of commercialisation and that detection regimes are inadequate and methodologies, inconsistent. […]

Altering Wild Populations through “Gene Drives” – Weighing the Risks


Item 1

Altering Wild Populations through “Gene Drives” – Weighing the Risks

Engineered “gene drives” have the potential to alter the genetic composition of wild populations. Scientists have called for the potentially serious risks and regulatory gaps to be addressed before it is applied in the field. […]

US Citizens Write Open Letter Warning on GM Crops

An open letter from individuals and organizations representing 57 million Americans warns of the risks of GM crops, drawing from the two decades of experience in the US. […]