Going Beyond Organic: Agroecology as the Next Step

This article reports on the Southeast Asian Training Course on Agroecology, organized by Third World Network and Aliansi Petani Indonesia (Indonesian Peasants Alliance) and held from 5 to 9 June in Solo, Indonesia. […]

India’s Supreme Court Expert Committee Recommends Indefinite Moratorium on GE Field Trials

The Indian Supreme Court Technical Expert Committee has recommended an indefinite moratorium on field trials of GE crops until the government comes out with a proper regulatory and safety mechanism. […]

India’s Supreme Court Expert Committee Recommends Indefinite Moratorium on GE Field Trials

 Item 1

Indefinite moratorium on GM field trials recommended

Latha Jishnu

Down To Earth (India), July 22 2013

Herbicide-tolerant GE Crops Create Resistant Weed Problems in the US

A recent study on herbicide-tolerant GE crops in the US examined USDA and EPA data, and has revealed that herbicide use has increased substantially since the latter half of the 90s. […]

Herbicide-tolerant GE Crops Create Resistant Weed Problems in the US

A recent study on herbicide-tolerant GE crops in the US examined USDA and EPA data, and has revealed that herbicide use has increased substantially since the latter half of the 90s. […]

Herbicide-tolerant GE Crops Create Resistant Weed Problems in the US


July 15th, 2013 | Category: Assessment & Impacts

GE Crop Performance in the US Questioned

A new research study questioning the main claims of the benefits of GM crops has sparked intense interest and attention. […]

GE Crop Performance in the US Questioned


A Quick Word with Jack Heinemann

International Journal of Agricultu […]

GM Crop Escape Could Impact South Korea’s Natural Ecosystems

The National Institute of Environmental Research of South Korea has released a report stating that it found GM DNA in 42 GM crop samples in 22 municipalities in the country. […]

GM Crop Escape Could Impact South Korea’s Natural Ecosystems
