Alarm at Renewed Dengue Emergency Situation in Municipality Where GM Mosquito Trials Conducted

Brazil Warned World’s First Commercial Release of GM Mosquitoes Requires Full Public Consultation

April 10th, 2014 | Category: Agriculture / Organisms

Unresolved Questions Around Golden Rice

New Book: Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology for Food Security and for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Potential and Risks

Risks of Panama’s GM Mosquito Experiments must not be Hidden from the Public

Concerns Raised as U.S. Considers Approving Genetically Engineered Forests

Item 1

CFS (2013) Genetically Engineered Trees: The New Frontier of Bio […]

The Risks of Bt Eggplant to Human Health and the Environment


Non-native Strains of Genetically Modified (GM) Insects Risk Spread of Pesticide Resistance

New Book: Buzz or Bust for Genetically Engineered Insects? (Spanish version)

Food Needs can be Met with Agroecological Vision for Agriculture and Science