Feminist agroecology places ‘life’, relationships, care and balance at the center of a fair and sustainable food system. […]
Feminist agroecology places ‘life’, relationships, care and balance at the center of a fair and sustainable food system. […] Without strict regulation of ‘New Genetic Engineering’ techniques, there will be substantial likelihood of damage to ecosystems, agriculture, forestry and food production. […] Covid-19 has underscored the need for systemic change towards socially just food systems with agency, sustainability and stability at its heart, which can be characterised as agroecology and food sovereignty. […] Despite the promises, GM crops, including the new gene-edited crops, are unlikely to ever meet the agronomic, social and environmental requirements of sustainable agriculture. […] The FAO’s 10 elements of agroecology supports the design of differentiated paths for agriculture and food systems transformation, hence facilitating improved decision-making at different scales along agroecological transitions towards sustainable agriculture and food systems. […] This TWN/GeneWatch UK briefing sets out to show that currently deployed genome editing technologies and applications, including all techniques involving CRISPR-based systems, clearly fall within the Cartagena Protocol on Bisoafety’s definition of a living modified organism (LMO), whether they involve inserting, deleting or editing sequences of genomes. […] In an effort to stave off above-ground insect resistance, the US EPA has proposed phasing out many current Bt corn hybrids, as well as some Bt cotton varieties, in the next three to five years. […] This study finds robust scientific evidence demonstrating that agroecology increases climate resilience and contributes to a low-emissions pathway. The interdisciplinary and systemic nature of agroecology is key for its true transformational power. […] By integrating agroecological principles, the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework will be more robust in considering threats to biodiversity, people’s needs and identifying tools and solutions in support of the 2050 vision of ‘Living in harmony with nature’. […] A glyphosate-resistant weed has naturalized in Japan less than 10 years after it was first discovered in the US, the largest exporter of GM glyphosate-resistant grain to Japan, providing evidence that GM crop imports can be a pathway for spread of problematic weed species. […] |
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