Gene Sequences and Biopiracy: Protecting Benefit-sharing as Synthetic Biology Changes Access to Genetic Resources

The Briefing Paper addresses how the combination of advanced sequencing and synthesis technologies afforded by synthetic biology is transforming access to genetic resources. […]

The TPPA provides for illegal GMO contamination of our food

We are pleased to share with you a preliminary analysis by Third World Network on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) and concerns over the possible contamination of Malaysia’s food supply with unapproved and illegal genetically modified organisms (GMOs). […]

Risks of GM Crops Engineered to Utilise RNA Interference

NThis Biosafety Briefing focuses on GM crops engineered to utilise RNA interference. Such GMOs present a unique set of risks as compared with those generated with classical transgenic approaches. […]

Biosafety aspects of genome-editing techniques

This Biosafety Briefing examines the biosafety aspects of genome-editing techniques, including the CRISPR system. […]

2,4-D crops: An unsustainable techno-fix for the failure of herbicide-tolerant GM crops

What Next After A Ban on Glyphosate?

Following the IARC assessment of glyphosate as a “probable human carcinogen”, this briefing calls for a ban on glyphosate, for other toxic herbicides to come under urgent review and measures to ensure that more toxic chemicals do not replace glyphosate. […]

Socio-economic Considerations in GMO Decision-making (Spanish version)

Early Warning on Food Safety Issues – How regulators got it wrong on dsRNA

Sources and Mechanisms of Health Risks from Genetically Modified Crops and Foods

Socio-economic Considerations in GMO Decision-making



Dear Friends and Colleagues 

October 31st, 2013 | Category: Biosafety Briefings