Effects of GE Soybean Feed on Goat Offspring

A scientific study has found that goats fed with genetically engineered soybean had 40% less immune substance in their milk, resulting in significant reductions in the weight of their offspring. […]

Effects of GE Soybean Feed on Goat Offspring

Item 1

Genetically modified soybean in a goat diet: Influence on kid performance

R. Tudisco R., Calabrò S. Cutrignelli M.I., Moniello G., Grossi M., Mastellone V., Lombardi P., Pero M., Infascelli F. ( […]

Agroecology the Foundation for Sustainable Climate-Resilient Farming Systems

Climate-resilient farming communities can be built by tapping the rich repository of traditional farming systems which practice effective agroecological strategies and have strong social networks. […]

Biosafety and Knowledge Gaps of New Plant Breeding Technologies Necessitate Further Research

Biosafety and Knowledge Gaps of New Plant Breeding Technologies Necessitate Further Research

This report identifies knowledge gaps relating to new plant breeding techniques. Current biosafety regulations are a good base, but insufficient in themselves, to address uncertainties, so further research before commercialisation is recommended. […]

Ecological Farming More Profitable than Chemical Farming in Malawi and Kenya

Fieldwork in Malawi and Kenya has shown that small-scale farmers practising ecological farming with no chemical pesticides or fertilisers can get far better yields and incomes than those using chemicals. […]

Are GM Crops Better for the Environment?

This report examines whether GM crops are better for the environment and presents evidence that they can cause serious adverse environmental impacts. […]

Are GM Crops Better for the Environment?

Item 1 

Glyphosate and Cancer Risks

In light of the IARC’s classification of glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans”, the Center for Food Safety explains why the IARC’s decision is scientifically sound and warns of the risks. […]

Agroecology Can Fix Our Broken Food System

This article offers agroecology as the ideal solution to fix our broken food system; one which embraces complexity and change, develops the capacity to listen, to grow new connections, and to build solidarity among animals, plants and people. […]