Where GM Crops and Foods are in the World

June 10th, 2015 | Category: Trends in Industry

The Misguided Strategy of GE Crops

This article concludes that GE crops are a misguided strategy to feed the world, citing their many failures and risks. It proposes low-input, multifunctional, locally-adapted, and culturally appropriate sustainable farming systems as a better alternative. […]

The Misguided Strategy of GE Crops

Agroecology: A Proven Plan of Action to Ensure Food Security and Sovereignty

The social, political, cultural, nutritional and spiritual significance of agroecology to peasant communities is captured in a new publication which presents agroecology as the best way to put food sovereignty into action and feed the world sustainably. […]

Who Shapes Food Systems, And Who Has a Say in How They are Reformed?

Who holds the power to shape food systems, and who sets the terms of debate when it comes to reforming them? These were the questions asked by the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems, IPES-Food, as it launched its first report. […]

Course Announcement: Capacity Building Course Southern Africa Region, 20-26 September 2015, Potchefstroom, South Africa

The Impact of Secondary Pests on Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Crops

A study published this year in Plant Biotechnology Journal focuses on the development and impacts of secondary pests on Bt crops. Insecticide spraying to deal with this problem would undermine the whole rationale for the introduction of Bt crops which was […]

The Impact of Secondary Pests on Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Crops

Gates, Monsantos Water Efficient Maize for Africa Project Exposed as not, Climate Smart, but Corporate Smart

Shaping the Treaty on Business and Human Rights – Views from Asia and the Pacific

Shaping the […]