No Excuse Left but Biotech for Smallpox?

Will the United States start a smallpox threat […]

Unintentional transboundary movements of LMOs

TWN submission on unintentional transboundary movements of LMOs highlights important considerations for determining the scope and elements of possible guidance or tools that may facilitate appropriate responses by Parties to the Biosafety Protocol. […]

Unintentional transboundary movements of LMOs

Submission from Third World Network related to decision BS-VI/16: Unintentional transboundary movements of living modified organisms (Article 17) 


The Cartagen […]

Impact of GM Herbicide-Resistant Crops on the Right to Food

Impact of GM Herbicide-Resistant Crops on the Right to Food

GM crops engineered to be resistant to herbicides pose a threat to the right to food. The herbicides used in conjunction with these crops also have health impacts that need to be evaluated in parallel. […]

“Extreme levels” of Roundup in GM soybeans

Levels of Roundup so high that even Monsanto calls them “extreme” now appear to be the norm for GM soybeans, recent research shows. […]

High Residues of Glyphosate Accumulate in Roundup Ready Soybeans

Research has demonstrated that Roundup Ready GM-soy may accumulate high residue levels of glyphosate and its breakdown product. It also showed that different agricultural practices may result in a markedly different nutritional composition of soybeans. […]

Research Shows Molecular Differences Between GM and Conventional Maize

A paper published in the journal Proteome Science field, has shown molecular differences between genetically modified MON810 maize hybrids and their non-GM counterparts. […]

Research Shows Molecular Differences Between GM and Conventional Maize

Item 1 


Glyphosate Detected in Breast Milk of American Mothers

A first-ever testing of glyphosate in the breast milk of American mothers has found ‘high’ levels in 3 out of 10 samples, raising concerns that the herbicide, widely used with GM herbicide resistant crops, can accumulate in the human body. […]