Family Farmers for Sustainable Food Systems

This report highlights the importance of small family farms in Africa, which generate food and employment for the majority of the population while conserving natural resources. […]

Toxicity of a Glyphosate Commercial Formulation and its Active Ingredient

Scientific research indicates that aquatic invertebrate ecology can be adversely affected by relevant ambient concentrations of glyphosate. […]

Toxicity of a Glyphosate Commercial Formulation and its Active Ingredient

Scientific research indicates that aquatic invertebrate ecology can be adversely affected by relevant ambient concentrations of glyphosate. […]

Toxicity of a Glyphosate Commercial Formulation and its Active Ingredient

 Ecotoxicology (2013) 22bioarticle_82251–262

DOI 10.1007/s10646-012-1021-1

Farmer’s Choice of Seeds Constrained by GM Crop Adoption

Study finds that “GM is neither the obvious way to increase yields nor is its introduction consistent with increasing agricultural biodiversity through cultivar diversity”. […]

Farmer’s Choice of Seeds Constrained by GM Crop Adoption

Insufficient Data Stop EFSA from Concluding on Safety of GM Maize 3272

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) states that due to insufficient data they are not able to reach a conclusion on the safety of genetically modified (GM) maize 3272. […]

Insufficient Data Stop EFSA from Concluding on Safety of GM Maize 3272

Genetically Modified Crops and Hunger – Another Look at the Evidence

This review compares GE and agroecological solutions. It finds that GE crops do not address core agricultural ecological sustainability issues, while the agroecological approach should be the first priority for feeding the world in a sustainable way. […]

Genetically Modified Crops and Hunger – Another Look at the Evidence

Genetically Modified Crops and Hunger – Ano […]