Research reveals chink in the molecular armour of genetic switches, where ‘sterile’ GM insects revert back to being fertile, resulting in resistant GM populations persisting in the environment. […]
Research reveals chink in the molecular armour of genetic switches, where ‘sterile’ GM insects revert back to being fertile, resulting in resistant GM populations persisting in the environment. […] We are pleased to share the Spanish, French and Portuguese translations of the new TWN/GeneWatch UK Biosafety Briefing, which sets out to show that currently deployed genome editing technologies and applications, including all techniques involving CRISPR-based systems, clearly fall within the Cartagena Protocol on Bisoafety’s definition of a living modified organism (LMO), whether they involve inserting, deleting or editing sequences of genomes. […] This issues paper by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the FAO Committee on World Food Security provides insights to addressing the food and nutrition security implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. […] Peru extends its moratorium on the import and production of GMOs for environmental release to 2035, while Mexico phases out glyphosate and GM maize in food, and disallows GM maize releases into the environment. […] An investigation finds that Monsanto and BASF knew their dicamba weed killers used with GE dicamba-tolerant crops would cause large-scale damage to fields across the US but pushed them on unsuspecting farmers anyway, in a bid to corner the soybean and cotton markets. […] This paper develops and discusses a consolidated list of agroecological principles in the context of presenting transition pathways to more sustainable food systems. […] This article makes a call for new democratic forms of inclusive, cooperative and ecologically-rational governance over agricultural biodiversity, with peasants and other small-scale food providers as equal partners. […] This study finds that current risk assessment of GM crops in South Africa is flawed, stemming from a neoliberal, productivist perception, and recommends the Feminist Ethics of Care as a holistic framework that acknowledges the strength of socio-ecological relationships. […] In November, a U.S. District Court ruled the FDA had violated core environmental laws in approving GE salmon and ordered it to thoroughly analyze the environmental consequences of an escape of GE salmon into the wild. […] To counter corporate-controlled digitalization of, and to regain control over, our food systems, we need to assert peasant farmers’ sovereignty over their data, promote agroecology and bottom-up technologies, and build a comprehensive global system of participatory technology assessment. […] |
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